P-04-684 We Demand Better More Effective Welsh HMO Planning Laws

and a New Use Classes Order – Correspondence from the petitioner.




This asks the Petitions Committee to ask the WG to fully respond to:


AFFORDABILITY issues to meet Housing Crisis in Wales.


LANDLORDS –extent of partnership working and mixed tenure provision in a Housing Market mixed economy-What WG is doing?


Asked specifically as follows within the petition


We believe that Welsh Government should actively incentivise HMO landlords who are considering "flipping" their property under both Housing /Planning Act HMO provisions along the lines of a Welsh Houses to Homes scheme such that HMO landlords be allowed to bid for SME grant help to revert the HMO property back to sole domestic use.


And similarly


The petition asks for an incentive within Wales to encourage HMO Landlords to revert the properties back to sole domestic use and thus improve the stock of available Affordable Housing.


I ask the committee to pursue the WG to determine what has been done to address the following:


When is the Practice Guidance to be published?


.  A requirement on local councils to monitor equality issues on evictions, work with landlords to ensure energy rating targets are met, and work with students’ unions and tenants groups to ensure tenants know their rights.


  A Wales Housing Survey for all private rented sector tenants and landlords.


The WG  to commission modelling on the impact of the introduction of a Business Rate category for HMOs and landlords who own more than 2 properties, subject to Valuation Office Agency regulations.

N Perrott